When you hear the name “Unknown Egypt Travel”, it might sound odd at first, but there’s a story behind it.
After studying the ancient Egyptian civilization for so many years, I concluded that as much as we know, ancient Egyptian history is so vast and rich that we can never really know the whole truth about it.
Every minute of every day, we can find something previously unknown about the sacred land of Kemet (Egypt), so how can Kemet be truly known to us? Kemet is the ultimate mystery to all of us. This beautiful mystery is my inspiration when choosing the name for my travel agency.
Unknown Egypt Travel is not your standard travel agency. You won’t find typical tourist itineraries here. Instead, I have made it my goal to offer a series of profound experiences for the body, soul, and spirit. Egypt’s great and ancient land is worth exploring in this manner, as it slowly and carefully reveals its secrets to you.
The endless discoveries that take place in its vast land are only exceeded by the deep excavations in our DNA, the cell memories, and the morphogenetic fields in and around us.
Timeless Egypt offers us reconnection with our eternal and integrated selves. A journey through its vast landscapes and its many temple cities enables us to gather the parts of ourselves into a new whole.
This is the way of Osiris. A journey into a sacred place full of energy and mysticism, where the wall writings carry whispers of our ancestors telling us how we can reactivate our codes.
A Spiritual Experience in Egypt can expand your consciousness and give you a new lens through which to view and understand the ancient and the modern world.
– Rabie Khaled –